Friday, March 19, 2010

Puff Pastry Cinnamon Rolls

Today's creation was one I thought would probably be the most difficult. I have never made cinnamon rolls before and I just couldn't imagine that this was for the faint of heart. I started with puff pastry (the frozen kind), cinnamon, melted butter, pecans, and brown sugar. I rolled out the dough, and slathered all the yummies on top.
Then, my lovely assistant smoothed it out and made sure it was just right.

Next I rolled up the dough and cut it into pieces which would later become the actual roll.

These were more of the sticky bun variety so I filled mini-muffin cups with cinnamon, brown sugar, and pecans.

Then I put the rolls on top of the sticky stuff and put them in the oven.

They baked awhile (the recipe said 40 minutes) and about 30 minutes later, Dustin stepped out of the shower and asked if it was smoky in was. My cinnamon rolls got done, really done. But I coated them in icing hoping no one would notice the "over carmelization."

They were still pretty good, just not quite as doughy as I like. This is definitely a recipe I would try again, I'd just keep a better eye on them.

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