Saturday, March 27, 2010

Fairy Tale Exhibit

Crown Center is a mega center of fun for kids! Today Maggie, Marsha, Reese and I visited Fritz's inside Crown Center. It's a restaurant for kids that has trains running through the entire place. The trains bring the food right to your table and if you are a kid, it's the coolest thing EVER! Their faces just light up and they are mesmerized. Who wouldn't be? I would've loved something like that!
There are even trains for kids to climb all over, it's so much fun!

They also have tons of free exhibits. Every 2-3 months a new one arrives just as cool as the other. Maggie and I have been to 3 of them now but today's was pretty awesome. It was the Fairy Tale exhibit. There were castles and a drawbridge. Carriages and puppet shows. It was too cool! Here is Maggie trying out the Mama Bear's chair.

Reese had a blast too....can't you see the excitement in her eyes?

Reese and Maggie really did have a great time together. Here are a few of the highlights of some good cousin on cousin love.

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