11 years ago to the day (date) was my senior prom. I don't know how much that dates me but it's true. 
We were big stuff that year. We rented a limo, we drank gin shooters, we sang a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad song which still makes me laugh and blush. We partied it up, we stayed out all night. We danced the night away and had a the kind of memories that prom is supposed to be about. Now that it is prom season it makes me a little nostalgic for dressing up and having fun hair. A little depressed about the carefree spirit of one with no bank account or car payment too. And while we're on the subject about memories, I should quickly touch on the beautiful ladies in this picture. I had a hard time digging up a picture without the boys in it, considering that it was NOT my high school sweetheart who I married, I decided he really didn't need to be part of this post. But from the left, we have Jenny, my fun-loving friend who loves to be outdoors, who has legs up to her chin, who loves to dance to Footloose and sing her heart out to Grease. Jenny was my first friend in Brookfield and I love her more than my luggage!
Amber is next. Her dress is a beautiful red and she was so excited to be the striking beauty she is in it. We got our dresses together and stopped each time we had a fitting for Little Cesear's breadsticks. Amber loves to have a good time and we've had many a fun night together.
Next is Mary. She is the Godmother to my girl. She has a beauty of her own named Clara Jean. Mary is the kind of person I think I always strive to be. You will never catch Mary griping or gossiping about people, she just doesn't have anything bad to say. April 24th is also the day Mary got officially together with her now-husband. Funny that I would remember that, but it was a big deal then. Getting together with your high school sweetheart at the prom during a dance. How romantic! They're kind of that way though. Romantic and sweet. I love them a lot.
And the last girl is me. A younger, skinnier, more carefree version of myself.
And a good time was had by all......
lovely girls then, beautiful women now! TT
I love it! And I love you! Eric went turkey hunting Sunday morning, but left me a "Happy Anniversary" note for when I woke up. I hadn't even thought of it!
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