Monday, September 5, 2011

Oh What a Beautiful Morning

Today is perfect.  Looking outside you will see a clear sky, 65 degree morning temperatures, and a beautiful sun shining.  I love weather like this, it makes me want to break out my jeans, sweatshirts, and boots.  The dogs go out and don't come in and the baby can play at the park for as long as seasonal allergies will allow.

This morning was a perfect morning.  Reese and I slept until 7:30 which was so nice.  We got up and shared a bowl of cereal and decided to go to the store.  We walked outside with jackets on and made "brrrr" sounds to be silly.  That kid can turn on the charm, but the similarities with her father DO run deeper than her looks.  We went to the park and slid down the slide, crossed the bridge, rocked the teeter totter, and smiled in the sun.

My point is some days are too wonderful not to document.  Some days walking outside makes a person smile.  Some days make a person pack a picnic and enjoy grapes in the grass with a toddler who squeals with delight at being outside.  Today is our day and it's just perfect.

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