Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hey Big Guy

Reese and River are two of the cutest little sugar muffins I've ever seen.  Rivaled only by my two sweet nieces and nephew on the cute factor of course.  But sometimes the sibling love makes a Mama's heart fill all the way to the top with happiness.  Here are a few examples:

One day River was really talking away.  He had his fists balled up and was talking to Reese and laughing at her.  She kept looking at him and then at me and she'd throw her hands up and say, "River! Uh, River!" Like he was hilarious.  She was smiling and in awe of how funny and cute he was.  I knew how she felt.  As his fists were balled up she kept hitting them to give him bumps, she just wanted to share all her love.

Another instance was seen by the two little darling's Dad when he was hanging out watching TV on the bed.  He looked over and Reese had ahold of River's hand just to make sure he was okay.  She didn't do it because anyone was watching, in fact she probably barely knew she was doing it, but she just wanted to hang on and let him know she was there.

Whenever River is on the floor in his gym or playing on a blanket, Reese is right there beside him.  She laughs and talks to him just like he's one of the gang. 

Probably my favorite though was yesterday.  I was in the bedroom finishing up before it was time to go.  I heard Reese say, "Hey Big Guy!  Hi There!  Big Guuuuy, Hey Big Guy!"  She hears Dustin call River that all the time and she just wanted to share her love.  Even when we aren't watching, she's right there with a smile, a hand to hold and a few words of love.  I know River will appreciate her someday but for now he just thinks she's hilarious.  And protective.  Because watch out!  That girl will bite anyone if you come too close to her Big Guy!!

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Lisa said...
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