Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hunting and Gathering

Well today is the first day of October and it feels like fall is officially here. Someone even told me today to (gasp) put away the flip flops -maybe she didn't realize that none of my other shoes fit right now. Fall is in the air and of course that means....bow season.

Bow season is my arch enemy. I lose my husband from the middle of September until about Thanksgiving and I don't love it. He grows his beard and starts talking on the phone with all his hunting buddies constantly. It's always a conversation of inches, points, salt licks, and game cameras. As I go through my nesting transition, he is going through his own transitions to get ready for baby; hunting and gathering. I suppose this is okay, it is his greatest passion. He loves it so much and I really do love that he is happy. I just hope a deer ends up in my freezer this year....

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